Yes, it is almost here. What you ask? NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month for those who haven't experienced it yet.
I'm hyped. I was writing on a prompt with my creative writing class about a month ago. It was a prompt that I've done with my classes for two years, but this time I had an awesome idea for a novel for NaNo.
For the first time in the four years I've participated in NaNo, I have the setting drawn in my mind and a sketch of a map drawn. I know my characters and have begun to interview them. I know their troubles and their celebrations. I AM ready.
50,000+ words here I come.
My total goal this year is not to just write the words (for the last two years I had the words on the page, but in such disarray that things didn't make much sense), but to get the revisions made in time to get the manuscript sent out by June.
Heat the coffee, grab the music, get the comfy chair ready, pull the resource books near the computer, grab the note paper and pen/pencil and get ready to write. The race between time and words on the page begins November 1st.