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GOAL 1: Continue to develop my platform. I established an presence. Karna Tecla @ I opened a Facebook page. Karna Tecla author Check these out.
GOAL 2: Revise - majorly revise the novel I am working on. I finished what I thought was a first draft of a novel and pitched it to two editors at a writer's conference, but during several workshops I realized that what I thought was a good edition still needs major work.
GOAL 3: Draft the outline and characters for a novel to write during National Novel Writing Month. Then, write the bare bones of the story. I like NaNoWriMo. It forces me to focus on one project for the month.
GOAL 4: Keep a detailed journal of family life. My mother was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer June 13. We have been writing down family stories and family history, but it now so much more important to get down.
GOAL 5: Write every day. Whether it is for a current project or for something else. I need to put butt in chair and words on the page.
GOAL 6: READ. Good writers read. I need to get back to my nightly reading.
What is it you would like to accomplish in the next six months?