Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This morning Harley, my "foundling" dog, decided to poke his nose around the base of one of my maple trees. His attention was riveted. Then, I saw something jump out of his way. I thought it was a toad. (We get a number of these each year in our lawn.) Although he was content to pursue it, I needed to get him back into the house so I could get to work. Crossing the yard, I discovered that what he was after in a friendly and curious way was a baby bunny. He didn't want to hurt it; he just wanted to see what it was. At that moment a second and then a third bunny about the size of my palm skittered out of the hole under the tree and began to explore. I rushed my dog away from the bunnies and the tree. If only I could have the abandon to pursue my stories the way Harley focused his curiosity on the baby bunnies. To block out all else from my senses and focus on the one thing that deserves my attention: the story. So, just what can one do to find focus? Here are some of the things I am trying. 1. I am finding that classical music on the television is much more focusing than having on a television show for noise. 2. Sit down and require a minimum of 10 minutes. I can focus on anything for 10 minutes and drown out the noise. I can quiet the voices telling me what else needs to be done. 3. Limit my time for checking email, reading blogs by other people, and playing mesmerizing online games to a period of time. If I'm not done, I turn it off. I have to wonder why I was drawn to the game or pinterest or stumbleupon or the email or blog. If it is mindless, I have started turning it off. My time limit? 15 - 30 minutes. 4. I've started walking as exercise. It seems to help me focus at night when my mind truly wants to wander. If you have any methods of maintaining focus, I welcome you to share. There are times we could all use a bit of extra help.

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