Friday, November 18, 2011

NaNo! NaNo!

Ok. Yes, it is the month of NaNoWriMo. Those of you who have tried it know how obsessed you can get with penning 50,000 words in 30 day or how burned out you can get in 30 days.

This year my story kept trying to leap onto the pages, and I had to rein it in because my ethics wouldn't allow me to start early. That wouldn't be fair.

So, how far am I? 13,315 words - just 36,685 words short of that 50,000 goal, but I am shooting to make the number of words by November 30.

My story came from a prompt I gave to my high school creative writing students. I find my prompts on line and in books; although, sometimes they are off the top of my head. This prompt was a story concept: A wishing well appears in a town in the middle of the night. My high school English classes were reading "The Monkey's Paw" at the time, and the two ideas swirled in my brain. What if the wishes came true, but there were consequences unique to the wisher and what if one of the main characters couldn't find something to wish for because she thought she had everything. And then, she sneaks a wish and .....?

I'm working on the worst first rough draft; letting my internal editor hide away behind a closed door in my brain. I locked her in there. I also find she has a name and that she must be married to my seventh grade English teacher (He was a grammar Nazi.) and at the same time married to one of my high school theater directors (His favorite phrase was "Do it again!").

So at this time I bid you adieu to go back and work on my NaNo novel.

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